Feedback, Parent portal, & Swim certificates
We appreciate that lesson feedback is important to both parents and children. Our main tools for providing this is our “Aquatic Learning Parent Portal”, and our “Aquatic Learning Swimming certificates”. The portal allows you to see the swim levels already completed, as well the current level by clicking on the “Awards” tab at the top of the page when you login. Clicking on the “In Progress” button shows the skills within the current level that will be taught, the skills already accomplished, and those that still need some work. Once your child has achieved all the criteria in a level they will be automatically moved up to the next. You are also then able to download and print the appropriate one from the Swimming certificates link on this page to mark their achievement. Each download has 2 different types of Swimming certificates for you to choose from.
If you have any queries regarding our lesson feedback, or any questions generally regarding progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. You are paying for a service and if there is an issue, we want to know asap so we can look to resolve it for you.
As well as allowing you to view progress, the “Parent Portal” also allows you to update personal contact details, update medical records, add a child to our waiting list, view our terms & conditions, and check lesson and holiday dates. It’s a great tool! Simply login to the portal and start to “manage” your lessons!